Today Android has grown to become
the biggest Operating System for smartphones supporting devices from scores of
manufactures making it a truly global phenomenon. Android
Training program is designed to students learn how to work in an
Eclipse based development environment, they learn the unique Android OS
architecture, audio and video playback and how to support a multitude of
languages. They will also learn GUI
development, how access data from files and how to sell their own applications
in the Android marketplace. Android training is one of the most intelligent
things a developer can do, and it has many benefits.
Expanding Your Skills: You may have decent or even exemplary
programming skills, but Android training will help take you to a new
level. The fact that Android is always
growing means that once you learn the basic concepts and principles, your skill
set will grow right along with it.
Working with Experts: Android training in a class setting will
enable you to work with experts in the field who have actually created the
types of apps and games that you aspire to create. Working with an expert, you will learn how to
blend the scientific, technical skills with the creativity that’s necessary to
make apps and games that the public are drawn to.
Financial Rewards: It’s pretty much a given that after you complete
Android training and start applying what you learn that your finances will get
a nice boost. You can get a well-paying job at an IT-type company, or you will
go it alone and develop games and apps to sell on the open market.